The American Women's Group of Languedoc-Roussillon

The AWGLR is an international group of women with an American majority, all seeking the same outcomes - friendship, good company, stimulating group activitives/events. We come together to share our passions, like reading and writing;  cooking and wine tasting; donating and volunteering; assisting and mentoring in order to work towards a common goal: to enjoy our lives together. We also raise funds for causes close to our hearts. Please do not hesitate to contact us at awg.grapevine at Gmail.

If you were unable to attend the Galette party in January but are interested in catching up on what you missed during the brief FAWCO presentation, check out the short video that covers the highlights of last fall's Regional Conference in Paris, attended by our president Jennifer J, former FAWCO reps Orla B and Clara B, and current FAWCO rep Noel G.

Also! If your teenager (child or grandchild) is interested in participating as a Cultural Volunteer in the FAWCO Youth Program in Hamburg, Germany from June 21-28, 2025, you'll find more information about the program on the FAWCO website here:

Please note that the application timeline is March 1–April 15, 2025.

For more information (and a quizz!) click on this link:

We're glad you're here.

Learn more about us and how to become a member!


This month's President's Message

Dear Friends,

Two of my areas of focus this year have been to 1) welcome many new members to our club, and 2) share with new and long time members information about the relationship we have with FAWCO (Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas).

In 2024 and this past month, we have welcomed 14 new members.  They are: Susan, Leanne, Murielle, Carole, Dana, Caroline, Jill, Beth, Michelle, Lexa, Faith, Kathryn, Jennifer S., and Janene.  Keep an eye out for them at an upcoming AWGLR event and please welcome them!

Thank you to Noel, who provided an outstanding FAWCO update at the Galette party last month. You can watch a video recap of her presentation at the link on the website and in the February newsletter.  Over 25 members attended. Here are a few more key facts about FAWCO:

  • FAWCO was founded in 1931 by Caroline Curtis Brown, then President of the American Women’s Club in London with the objectives of working toward international goodwill and the preservation of world peace, to help one another solve problems common to them all, and to aid women whose citizenship rights were being ignored and restricted.
  • Today FAWCO’s 60 clubs in 29 countries, and 10,000 members support four pillars: member club support, philanthropy, US issues and Global issues including the environment, health and human rights.
  • FAWCO is a UN accredited NGO and sends representatives to UN meetings and conferences including the UN Commission on the Status of Women and the UN Climate Conference.

I encourage you to continue forging friendships with our club members and supporting the good work we do for women and children in our own backyard and around the world. 

Jennifer Hodge Jerzyk
2024-25 President AWGLR

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Contact Us

Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon
117, rue des Etats Généraux

Tram stop :  RIVES DU LEZ
awg.grapevine [@]

Member of FAWCO