Who can become a member of AWGLR?
The American Women’s Group of Languedoc-Roussillon (AWG-LR) is for American and Anglophone women mainly living within the region. According to our charter, at least 60% of our membership must be comprised of US citizens (Regular Members), including mothers, daughters, and wives of US citizens.
English-speaking women without a US connection (Associate Members), have all the rights of regular members except they may not serve as President or Vice-President. Membership is also open to non-residents and students at a reduced fee (50% of regular membership fee) according to our constitution AWG's Constitution (Word.doc)
AWG-LR is a non-discriminatory organization.
How to join AWG-LR ?
Simply email us at awg.grapevine [@] gmail.com with the following information:
- Your full name
- Email address
- Phone number where you can be reached
- Nationality
- Physical address
- And a quick description of why you would like to join AWG-LR or the questions you have about our association
Once we receive this information, you will be contacted personally by an AWG-LR member.
Prior to joining prospective members are encouraged to participate in one or two activities, free of charge.
Membership fees (yearly June 1st to 31 MAY)
- Regular and Associate Members: 45€ (40 € for early-bird renewal prior to our July 4th event)
- Members at Large / Students: 22.50€ (20€ for early bird renewal prior to 4th of July event)
Members-at-large are members not residing in the Languedoc-Roussillon area of France.
How to pay your dues.
- Online via HelloAsso (HelloAsso is a free payment solution for French clubs and non-profits. It helps more than 250 000 non-profits manage all their campaigns online. So this is a safe payment solution.)
- Or send a check to AWG-LR to our address:
- Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon - 117 Avenue des Etats Généraux - 34000 MONTPELLIER.
- You can also pay cash to our Treasurer in person at one of our events.