
FAWCO Reg 3 - High Lights on the campaign

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If you were unable to attend the Galette party in January but are interested in catching up on what you missed during the brief FAWCO presentation, check out the short video that covers the highlights of last fall's Regional Conference in Paris, attended by our president Jennifer J, former FAWCO reps Orla B and Clara B, and current FAWCO rep Noel G.

If you'd like to test your FAWCO knowledge, you can do the What the FAWCO? quiz from the Galette Party here: If you don't know the answer to a question, just guess. And you might very well be surprised by how much you DO in fact know about FAWCO!

If your teenager (child or grandchild) is interested in participating as a Cultural Volunteer in the FAWCO Youth Program in Hamburg, Germany from June 21-28, 2025, you'll find more information about the program on the FAWCO website here:
Please note that the application timeline is March 1–April 15, 2025.

Here are just a few excerpts from reflections by past Youth Cultural Volunteers:

  • "I made new friends in the UAE --- Emirati teens, who helped us learn more about their culture. Believe me, we may dress differently and practice different religions, but teenagers around the world are pretty much the same --- we're all goofy, curious, and hoping our generation can improve life for all of us."
  • "In the end, what matters is that you have raised your personal awareness of poverty. And maybe it would have inspired you by then to grab the initiative and take part in a bigger project."
  • "It was nice to be able to go outside the tourist destinations and contribute to the lives of others who may not have the same luxuries as we do back in our own countries."
  • "[It was] a wonderful group of people. . . These friendships will last a lifetime. . . I am proud of what I feel I have accomplished with the group, and look forward to hearing about FAWCO Youth’s continued development."



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Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon
117, rue des Etats Généraux

Tram stop :  RIVES DU LEZ
awg.grapevine [@]

Member of FAWCO